Set-apart woman 101

Last week, I decided to do prayer and fasting. I wanted to be closer to God and to know His thoughts about certain area of my life. Indeed, God didn’t fail to show up when I asked Him to teach me His ways. He was an excellent teacher. I specifically requested Him to be be specific on His answers. It was a fruitful father and daughter week for me. One of the best encounter was day 3 and 4. God open my eyes to an idea that literally and forever change my concept about the human heart – about love. Have you heard about Set Apart Girl blog? This is the ministry of a well-known Christian author Leslie Ludy. She is the author of  Authentic Beauty and co-authored When God Writes Your Love Story.

It brought joy and tears on my eyes as God spoke to me through the writers words of wisdom. After reading one of their write ups, I wanted to immediately share the link to my single and married friends and to you too. I have no doubt you will get inspired and encourage to become a set-apart woman for the Lord.  Here’s my realization after my prayer and fasting:

You are a set-apart woman. This means that you are intentionally groomed and prepared solely to bring glory to God. It doesn’t mean that you can no longer experience longing, desires, pain, hurt or even commit sin. You are a normal human being like anybody else. You cry, laugh and giggle. The only difference is that your Father chose you for a specific purpose that is to influence the lives of people brought to you by Him, to take care of them like what your Daddy God is doing to you.
It is but normal for a single woman to desire for a lifetime partner. That is how humans were design from the beginning of time. But that is not your SOLE purpose on earth. Your world shouldn’t revolve on that single idea. You are made for something Big. You can do more while you are still on earth. You are created to love your God and express this deep love to others.
Your dreams are not hidden in your Father’s eyes. He knows. He planted those desires the moment you were born and in the abundance of His Kingdom; He is more than willing to provide them all to you. Find your joy and happiness in Him and He will fulfill your hearts dreams and aspiration.
set-apart woman




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